Friday 21 February 2014

The Merits Of Playing Online Games

Although it might seem like a controversial topic to the popular belief of many parents, children actually learn a lot and benefit from indulgence in online games, if correctly monitored and with proper moderation. For several years, parents have frowned due to their children's participation in these games but what they do not know is that research has recently established online games are, in fact, very beneficial to the development of a baby, here are some advantages:

  • Enjoy a reward system

Many, if not all games, have a set reward system upon reaching a certain level, hitting a set score, or simply passing a particular point. Hence, because of this reward system, which is incorporated in most games, the children who play the games feel motivated to aim higher, and when they hit a set goal and get rewards, they feel appreciated and want to aim even higher. The above in turn boosts a child's confidence as they develop a sense of accomplishment.

  • Learn about sharing

Since some of the online games involve more than one player, the child will understand the aspect of sharing and turn taking. This aspect of turn taking will also develop patience in the child. Moreover, by playing online games, one can converse with other players from other parts of the world and thus you understand about other cultures and traditions too.

  • Teamwork is developed

Apart from the child learning about sharing and turn taking, it will also learn about teamwork, this is because some of the games require players to be on the same team rather than being opponents and work together at hitting set goals. Hence, by working together with other players, the child will develop teamwork and understand how to contribute and cooperate.

  • Develop intelligence and responsibility

Most baby games target to develop the intellect of a child and instill a sense of responsibility, because some of the games involve doing tasks, while other focus on teaching the player new and important skills. The games offer to challenge the intellect of the baby and as time proceeds and through regular trying, it can find ways to complete tasks and gain the much intelligence.

  • Multi-task

A baby who engages in the games regularly develops multitasking skills because the games involve a joystick or keyboard while looking at the screen of the computer. Not only that, much conclusive research indicate that a child who plays the games develop better eye-hand coordination than non-gamers, this can however be a very beneficial aspect to any young child.

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